lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008


First course of E.S.O.

Now, we are going to develop an standard programming for de 1º course of ESO. It wil have to adpat to the own pupils.
There are 10 blocks of contents. Each of them has one didactic unit. The order of the blocks and theirs dates of evaluation, are shown in this table:

BLOCK 1: Process of resolution of technological problems
BOCK 3: Skills of expression and communication
BLOCK 2: Hardware and software
BLOCK 8: Internet

BLOCK 4: Materials of technical use.
BLOCK 5 : Estructures
BLOCK 6: Mechanisms

BLOCK 7: Electricity and electronics
BLOCK 9: Energy and its transformation
BLOCK 10: Technology and society

The 10 blocks are going to develop in the classroom programming. They have the flollowing structure:

1.- Objectives
2.- Contents
2.1.- Conceptual contents
2.2.- Procedimental contents
2.3.- Actitudinal contents
3.- Methodology
4.- Activities and sequence
5.- Evaluation.

Although each unit will be developed, they are parts of one sturcture that is the first course. Because of this, the pupils will be making a proyect during the course which has the workshop work. The students will chose between one of these proposals:

1.- A Bridge
2.- A Chain dump
3.- A Merry-go-round

All of them have to move using an electrical motor and they will be smaller than a box which is 290 mm lengh, 200 mm wide and 250 mm heigth. The pupils will have to write a document, too. This document will have the following structure:

1.- Cover
2.- Indice
3.- Memory
4.- Plannig
5.- Economical budget
Graphic matherials (planes, diagrams, etc.).

The methodology will different denpend on the place where we are going to teach.. The pupil will have studied the lesson at home the day before and will have answered few questions. Finally, teacher will do a summary in classroom. The next day the pupil will have to solve a few numeric problems that will be correted.
In the workshop, the pupils will be done grups of 5 ó 6 pupils. This groups will be well organizated. They have to fill a small form, and they have to work alone. The teacher will correct and supervised the work and how it is made.
The computer lesson will begin with an explanation of the activity they will have to do every day. During the class, and at the end, the teacher will correct the activity.

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2008



1.- To approach with authonomy and creativity technological problems working of ordered and methodical form to study the problem, to compile and to select information from different sources, to elaborate documentation, to design, to plan and to construct objects or systems that solve a problem and to evaluate the suitability from different points of view.

2.- To have skills and sufficient knowledge to the analysis, intervention, design elaboration and manipulation of safe and precise form of materials, objects and systems.

3.- To analyze the technical objectives and systems to understand its way of work, to know its elements and the functions. To learn the best form to use them and to control them. To understand the fundamental conditions and their design and construction. To value the repercussions that its existence has had.

4.- To express and to communicate technical ideas and solutions, thus as to explore its viability and reach using technological means, graphical resources and the suitable vovabulary.

5.- To adopt favorable attitudes to the resolution of technical problems, developing to interest and curiosity towards the technological activity, analyzing and valuing critically the investigation and the technological development and its influence in the society, environment, the health and the personal and collective well-being.

6.- To understand the functions of the physical components of a computer and correct connection those that allow to look for, to store, to organize, to manipulate, to recover and to display information being used of habitual form the communication networks.

7.- To assume of critical form and activates the advance and the appearance of new technologies, useing them to daily activities, analyzing and valuing critically its influence on the society and environment.

8.- To act of dialogue like form, flexible and responsible in the work in equipment, the search of solutions, the form of decisions and the ejución of the tasks entrusted with attitude of respect, cooperation, tolerance and solidarity.

9.- To know next personal and collective the necessities, thus like the suitable solutions that the technological patrimony offers del own surroundings.

Área de Tecnologia LOE

(L.O.E. DECRETO 23/2007 DE 10TH MAY. B.O.E 29TH MAY 2007)


The main object of Technology is to invent and to make new machines and objects that don´t exist in the earth and makes us the life more comfortable.
The fast development of the technology in the last years, have been need to include, this area in the high school studies. The technology trys to increase the correct use and comprehension of the way of working of the new objects. The secundary curriculum includes concepts of the computer and comunication technologies. They are the main devices in a developed technology society. The new curriculum of technology is based in 3 principles, that are:

1. The acquisition of scientific and technicians knowledges and necessary for the understanding and development of the activity tecnological.

2. Application and analysis of objects. Their possible manipulation and transformation.

3. Resolution of problems through the projects mthodology. This activity requires work in team what allows the development of future professional strategies.

The teachers, through the programmings of classroom, will give form to the contents and objectives. The aims will have to understand inside the group and no activities isolated.
The area finds structured in 13 blocks of content. These blocks will be developed in the courses 1º, 3º and 4º of ESO. This last with character optative. The selection and the order of them are competition of the teachers and will establish through the programmings of classroom.
The area of knowledge contributes to the acquisition of the following basic compentions, that are:

1. Develop of skills of manipulation and tranformation of the technical objects

2. Own organization

3. Treatment of the information and digital competition

4. Language comunication

5. Develop of skill to learn of learning

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008


martes, 8 de julio de 2008